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 SLV Wetlands



Students will investigate real data on local hydrology, wetlands and their ecological benefits, and analyze patterns between drought and landscape changes. All external links and supplemental documents are included in the worksheet.


Part 1: Introduction: 10 minutes

 Watch the introduction video as a class and formulate questions

Part 2: Jigsaw stations: 15-20 minutes per station 

Divided into groups, students analyze wetland data

Part 3: Letter writing or presentations: 30 minutes 

Students communicate what they've learned through writing or oral presentation


Standard:  SC.HS.3.4, SC.HS.2.6

Activity Worksheet

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Student Worksheet

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Answers to Student Worksheet

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Presentation slides for Part 3

Activities are based on information from the following sources: (links found in student worksheet)


San Luis Valley Wetlands and Wildlife Assessment by Wetland Dynamics LLC

Grain for Cranes Story Map by Colorado Open Lands

Colorado Wetland Information Center

Hydrologic data from NOA and CO DWR

Additional Resources



What Makes A Wetland A Wetland


1. What three components make up a wetland?


2. What are 3 benefits of wetlands mentioned in the video?

Blanca Wetlands Prescribed Fire


1. What is the purpose of the prescribed burn?


2. What is one human benefit of the project?

Cranes, Agriculture, and the Fight for Water in the San Luis Valley


1. Describe the connection between agriculture and crane migration.


2. What would be the consequences if the drought continues and water export proposals succeed?

Resource Pages

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Colorado Natural Heritage Program :
Colorado Wetland Field guides and Apps
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USFWS : SLV refuge complex
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CO Open Lands Interactive Story Map

RGWCEI Contact:


Phone:     719.315.1214


Address: 101 S Craft Drive

                  Alamosa, CO 81101


Quick Links

Anti-Discrimination Policy

RGWCEI prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, gender, color, national origin, age, disability, & where applicable, sex, family status, marital status, religion, genetic information, political beliefs, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program.


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