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Educating youth and community members through collaborations and connections to increase understanding of the San Luis Valley's natural resources & working landscapes

RGWCEI is a resource for teachers and local organizations

to enhance education through


  • Tailored classroom presentations

  • Fieldtrips and workshops

  • Special Events

  • Interactions with SLV landscapes and local experts

Field Trips, Special Programs, & Workshops


The hope of the future lies not in curbing the influence of human occupancy - it is already too late for that - but in creating a better understanding of the extent of that influence and a new ethic for its governance.

 Aldo Leopold

Upcoming Events



3,4,5 : Youth ages 11-13

10,11,12: Youth ages 8-10

Who Can Participate?

Our programs are available to pre-K through 12th grade in all schools in the San Luis Valley. We offer a wide variety of educational topics and programs and work flexibly with each group to best meet your needs.


RGWCEI works alongside many organizations in water & soil conservation, land management, and riparian restoration. Our partners help us provide a rich learning experience for all natural resource topics.


RGWCEI offers programs to meet in class needs, field experiences, afterschool, summer activities, and integrated person/virtual learning experiences!

Little to No Cost!

All school and afterschool programs through RGWCEI are completely free of charge. In fact, we offer a travel reimbursement for field trips to maximize your experience and minimize your school's expenses!


Thank You!

RGWCEI is supported by generous funders & amazing education partners. We couldn't do what we do without you.


RGWCEI Contact:


Phone:     719.315.1214


Address: 101 S Craft Drive

                  Alamosa, CO 81101


Quick Links

Anti-Discrimination Policy

RGWCEI prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, gender, color, national origin, age, disability, & where applicable, sex, family status, marital status, religion, genetic information, political beliefs, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program.


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